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Текстовый редактор с очень неплохими возможностями по обработке текста. Крайне полезные опции - допустимость импорта/экспорта файлов MS Word (*.DOC), RTF, HTML и многих других форматов, включая экзотические для Windows-систем, а также встроенные средства проверки орфографии, возможность верстки символов и использования "стилевых" файлов. Его можно использовать как альтернативу Microsoft Office для написания, редактирования и печати несложных текстовых и "смешанных" (с таблицами и рисунками) документов, и сохранения их в большинстве из популярных форматов. В дистрибутив входят средства для проверки английской орфографии, но с домашней страницы можно скачать дополнительные словари (в том числе и русский).

Основная программа AbiWord достаточно компактна и использует незначительные ресурсы системы, ее можно использовать почти на всех компьютерах независимо от их конфигурации. Многоязычный интерфейс. Русский язык также поддерживается.

AbiWord is rapidly becoming a state of the art Word Processor, with lots of features useful for your daily work, personal needs, or for just some good old typing fun. This tour gives you a quick look into some of AbiWord's highlights. What use is a Word Processor when you can't share your documents with your friends? AbiWord is able to read and write all industry standard document types, such as documents, Microsoft Word documents, WordPerfect documents, Rich Text Format documents, HTML web pages and many more.

Category: Files Converter.Pdf/Html/Xps | Reads: 551 | Title: axis | Date: 15.02.2010 | Comments:(0)


With IconWorkshop™ make your own icons for Windows®, MacOS® and Unix®. It creates Windows® icons up to 256x256 for Windows Vista™ and Macintosh® icons up to 512x512 for Leopard (MacOS® 10.5). Unix® uses PNG icons. IconWorkshop creates PNG images with alpha channel in a few clicks including from existing Windows® and Mac OS® icons.

The new generation of icons uses variable transparency (alpha channel). This feature permits creating beautiful icons with smooth borders and shadows. You need a professional tool to create such icons. Axialis IconWorkshop™ has been designed with one goal in mind: "Icon Quality".

Enjoy the powerful editor which permits creating the various image formats of an icon from an original drawing without quality loss.

Create, edit icons in Image Strips for toolbars

Axialis IconWorkshop™ is the only icon editor which permits creation and edition of Image Strips for toolbars. If you're a developer, don't struggle with wide bitmaps anymore! Just open them in IconWorkshop and edit each icon separately.

It can read all kinds of Image Strips in BMP and PNG. Transparency is supported in 32 BPP images through Alpha channels and in 24 BPP or less images through a fixed background color.

Category: Files Converter.Pdf/Html/Xps | Reads: 658 | Title: axis | Date: 21.01.2010 | Comments:(0)


Convert PDF to Word and Excel, creates PDF documents from any program with printing function. Convert PDF files to editable documents in Microsoft Word. Convert tables from PDF document into a table Micrsoft Excel. Convert entire document or a specified range of pages. Convert selected tables or images from a PDF. Creating Tables in Word or Excel or image files. No need to reformat and refinement.

Преобразует PDF в Word и Excel, создает PDF документы из ЛЮБОЙ программы с функцией печати. Конвертирует PDF файлы в редактируемые документы Microsoft Word. Конвертирование таблиц из PDF документа в таблицы Micrsoft Excel. Преобразование всего документа или заданного диапазона страниц. Конвертирование выделенных таблиц и рисунков из PDF. Создание таблиц в Word или Excel или файлов с изображениями. Документы не требуют переформатирования и доработки.

Category: Files Converter.Pdf/Html/Xps | Reads: 552 | Title: axis | Date: 21.01.2010 | Comments:(0)



Category: Files Converter.Pdf/Html/Xps | Reads: 746 | Title: axis | Date: 21.01.2010 | Comments:(0)


PDF2Office Professional - плагин для MS Office, конвертирующий pdf в документы Microsoft® Excel, Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, RTF, AppleWorks, HTML и другие с сохранением форматирования. При этом в преобразованном документе по возможности сохраняется макет и форматирование оригинала: абзацы, колонки, таблицы, сноски, колонтитулы и т. д.

What's new with PDF2Office Professional v5.0:

# Convert to Spreadsheet format
PDF2Office Professional converts PDF files to the Microsoft Excel document format.

# Convert directly to Office 2007 formats
PDF2Office now directly converts PDF files to native Microsoft Excel 2007, PowerPoint 2007 and Word 2007 formats (also known as the Office 2007 formats).

Category: Files Converter.Pdf/Html/Xps | Reads: 833 | Title: axis | Date: 21.01.2010 | Comments:(0)


From Australia to California to Germany, professional web builders are exploring 1st Page 2000, the world's free web builder to create and manage world-class Web sites. Its power and flexibility lets anyone create the web site they want. Ask any professional web builder and they'll tell you the sad stories behind using standard WYSIWYG editors. Professional web builders know that WYSIWYG editors never create clean html code which means they'll end up wasting more time fixing, cleaning and correcting code later on. With this common problem in mind, you'll be glad to hear that 1st Page never ruins HTML code, infact it doesn't even add unwanted html codes to your important projects.

Evrsoft 1st Page 2000 helps you write, edit and improve your HTML, its powerful tools let you author websites faster, easier and better! Most new builders don't realize the time they're losing by relying on traditional based text editors like WindowsTM Notepad to author their sites. Whether you're a beginner or an HTML guru you'll find 1st Page 2000 great to use!

"Nobody makes great looking websites that easily. You get what you pay for. If it takes you 10 minutes to create a website in a WYSIWYG editor, you're going to get a 10 minute result" - Mark Stevenson

Category: Files Converter.Pdf/Html/Xps | Reads: 574 | Title: axis | Date: 21.01.2010 | Comments:(0)


oxit PDF Editor is a tool for modifying page contents in Portable Document Format (PDF) documents. Unlike other so-called "PDF Editors", which are designed only to work with "Notes" and limited page contents, Foxit PDF Editor allows you to modify any kind of page contents within any existing PDF documents, then save back to same or new PDF documents. You can't find such an easy to use, efficient and affordable PDF editing solution anywhere else in the world!

Foxit PDF Editor Features:

- Open existing PDF document for editing, or create brand new PDF documents;
- Display PDF document in full details, with quality almost matching Adobe® Reader.
- Zoom in and zoom out page display;
- Fast and reliable WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editing;
- Insert new pages, delete pages completely;
- Insert new text objects, using embedded or non-embedded fonts;
- Insert lines, and other simple graphic shapes;
- Insert images from bitmap files;
- Delete any type of object from the page;

Category: Files Converter.Pdf/Html/Xps | Reads: 879 | Title: axis | Date: 21.01.2010 | Comments:(0)


Foxit.PDF.Creator. + русификатор
Foxit PDF Creator представляет собой небольшой, быстрый и простой инструмент, который преобразует любой тип печати Windows документа, в том числе DOC, XLS, PPT, TXT, E-MAIL и даже HTML, в общепризнанный формат PDF.Foxit PDF Creator предоставляет быстрый и надежный способ создавать PDF документы из любого приложения для печати. Она позволяет пользователям создавать точные PDF файлов в секунду, сохраняя оригинальное расположение документов.
С помощью Foxit PDF Creator, частные лица и корпорации имеют возможность легко создавать электронные документы, которые могут использоваться в широком спектре аппаратного и программного обеспечения.

Category: Files Converter.Pdf/Html/Xps | Reads: 866 | Title: axis | Date: 21.01.2010 | Comments:(0)


EmEditor Text Editor is a lightweight, yet extendable, easy-to-use text editor for Windows. EmEditor is very customizable, and it supports Unicode and powerful macros. EmEditor now supports very large files - up to 248 GB or 2.1 billion lines! In Professional version there are many new features including a Large File Controller, Vertical Selection Editing, Binary Editing, Optimized Search and Replace, improved Projects Plug-in, and many more! EmEditor is now able to open even larger than 248 GB by opening a portion of the file with the new custom bar -Large File Controller. The Large File Controller allows you to specify the beginning point, end point, and range of the file to be opened. It also allows you to stop the opening of the file and monitor the real size of the file and the size of the temporary disk available.

Category: Files Converter.Pdf/Html/Xps | Reads: 843 | Title: axis | Date: 21.01.2010 | Comments:(0)


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