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  GameJackal Pro Final Rus

And the drive does not always have on hand, and even when he is, he still wears out quickly, if it is frequently used. And the creation of virtual disks takes a lot of time and space on the hard drive. This program works on a completely new technology. With it you can play all your favorite games without inserting the original CD, and not creating virtual drives. You need only create profiles of games at a time when you play them. Notebook users will save battery power and can use additional equipment instead of a physical drive. There is support for the work on the network, which is very convenient for gaming shops and businesses.

If you, like most players, the need for annoying every time you want to play your favorite game, look for the disk and insert it into the drive, then this program is for you. The main problem for the player - the disc longevity. CD-ROM with the game can be used hundreds of times, but it will inevitably wear out. Using Game Jackal Pro is not necessary to insert before the game disc, so you save time and start the game in seconds.

Game Jackal Pro provides a powerful and user-friendly interface for the game without the disk. This is done without modifying any game files or installing any virtual drives on your system. Simply select the game in the interface of Game Jackal Pro, or create keyboard shortcuts for faster access. Guardian Control function allows you to set a password for access to the game. It is also possible to determine when and how you can play (this feature is especially useful for parents).

Features Game Jackal Pro:
• Create profiles right from your desktop using the "One-click"
• Unused profiles can be transferred to the archive section
• Available interface plug-ins, which enable third-party developers to create plug-ins for the program
• A pop-up menu by right mouse button for profiles for quick and easy profile management
• Improved reliability, support and performance for most games and hardware configurations
• Support for multi-processor systems, including the possibility of using a special processor for each profile
• Mode image file for games, which take the data stream from a CD or DVD during game
• Easy to use interface with multilingual support
• Create a Profile Game Jackal Pro is made during your game
• Ability to set a password to protect against changes in profiles of Others
• Allows you to significantly reduce the time the game starts
Release v4.0.2.0 - release (2010-01-16):
- A number of driver bug fixes and improvements including.
1) Better handling of media errors.
2) Under some instances the drivers could deactivate before the profile is shutdown, this has been fixed.
3) Improved resource handling (i.e. lower memory footprint).
4) Better debug support.
- Fixed a profile issue that was causing read errors on some hardware.
- Fixed an issue with the media type detection.
- Changed fast "error skipping" routine used during capture. By default this is only enabled on CD-ROM's (registry setting are "Fast Error Skip Mode" = 0: disabled, 1: cdrom only, 2: any media. Default = 1).
- Improved the image mode profiling functionality.
- A backup of the license key is now retained. This is to prevent the license key being deleted if v3 is uninstalled after v4 is installed.
- When deleting a profile, the client interface is now refreshed correctly.
- The uninstaller will now stop the Game Jackal service before attempting to remove the server component(s).
- Updated Arabic and Spanish languages.
- Added two new skins.

OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Interface: Russian / Multilanguage

Size: 4.74 Mb
Medicine: yes

Category: Emulators | Added by: axis | Views: 631 | Downl.: 233 | Comments: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0

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